August Update

Where did summer go?  It seems to have flown and today kicked off back to school for some and others will have their first day tomorrow. Congrats to those freshmen that started today and good luck to all that start tomorrow!


Mom’s Night – THIS SATURDAY!

I wanted to remind all of the MOMs in the group that we’re excited to see you on Saturday!  It’s going to be a great gathering and we are excited to see you all there if you’re able to make it!


Picture Orders:

Here is the link to order team and individual Football Photos -please do so quickly.  The images are being taken tomorrow and ordering and delivering through school allows for free shipping to the school. The pictures are distributed to players once received. Make sure to ask and check back packs in about 3 weeks.  There will also be order forms distributed at school tomorrow.


Gatorade Drive:

There will be a Gatorade drive the day of the Fall Sports Showcase.  Please plan to bring 12-28 Gatorades per player to drop off at Door H. There will be an amazing member of the Board there to collect prior to the showcase.  If you are unable to participate or drop that day – please coordinate with myself or someone on the board.



We are blessed to have AMAZING sponsors that continually give back to our program and boys.  Please make sure to support them when you are eating out, ordering pizza, grocery shopping, looking for insurance, etc.  Without these sponsors we wouldn’t be able to provide for the team in the ways that we do – their donations are vital to our continuing program – please support them.  You can find them on the OE Website. We have a give back night coming up on August 29th at Spin in Olathe – they give us 20% of total sales from 5-9 that evening. A great/easy way to support the program.


OE Football Website:

SPECIAL THANK YOU TO JEFF & ERIN MOFFETT for making sure this site is active, updated and beautiful.  This site contains schedules (updated), coach details, player details (not updated yet) and sponsor banner at the top of the page.  Please bookmark it and ensure that you check here prior to reaching out with questions.  Typically all answers are here.



Twitter – Make sure to watch twitter for practice and team updates – if a game moves or times updated, it will be shared via Twitter

Facebook – Make sure to watch for updates on majority of things – doesn’t move as real time as twitter – BUT does provide great details and information about the program.



WE NEED MORE!  We will be talking about volunteers and needs at upcoming parent meeting, moms night, etc.  It takes a HUGE village to provide for over 130 players + coaches.  Any and all help is appreciated, so please make sure to sign up to chair or volunteer on a committee.  The more help and participants we have, the more we are able to support!  Please consider volunteering – big or small – it all helps and matters!


I am currently seeing volunteers to help with our concession stand at the Jamboree – we need volunteers to sell and run the concession stand.  If you are interested, please reach out to myself at OR respond to this email.


We are all trying our best daily, so if questions or frustration arises, please know it’s not intentional. Reach out to this email or a member of the board, and we’ll do our best to help ease any frustration. Please know that we appreciate each and every one of you, and without you, the program, the boys, and the school wouldn’t be what they are! We are a collective group of parents who care deeply about the legacy of the program and our kids—a powerful combination. Let’s remember that, win or lose, these kids are learning much more than football on the field and by watching us in the stands. They are developing into men, and the program serves as a way for them to learn teamwork, problem-solving, health and fitness, and social/academic development that will serve them well beyond their football years.

Please watch for additional communications to come out and please reach out with any questions.


LETS GO HAWKS!  (funny story – when my son started at OE – I said Let’s to Eagles to a coach and I have yet to live it down, he’s a senior :))

The OE Football Board


Makaela Meadows
